small flourish

Deposition of Jeanne Tailhandier dit Labaume, 8th witness, audience of 2 in the afternoon, 15 April 1734.


On the said day at two in
the afternoon In Our hotel


Appeared Jeanne taillandier de la Baume wife of Sieur Jean de Latour Merchant in This city, aged forty-one years, Residing since the Fire of the ten of this Month In the House of Sieur de Repentigny, Rue St Paul, [...]

Deposed [...] that she can Say Nothing definite not having seen the fire Being Set by the Said Negress, But that In the Moment that she saw The fire, She Believed She was the one who had Set It, and Said what she thought of It to Sieur de Radisson, because she had heard Children say two or three times that the said Negress menaced her Said Mistress with the Threat to Burn Her; to cut Her throat, And that the Servant of the said dame francheville had told her, since her Departure from the Service of the said dame francheville, that the said Negress had said, that If She could once Return to Her country And there were frenchmen there, She would have Them all Perish; that was all she said she Knew.[...] And Signed.

[signed]jeanne La baume
[signed]P. Raimbault

[signed] C. Porlier

Source: Archives nationales du Québec, Centre de Montréal, Procedure Criminel contre Marie Joseph Angélique negresse - Incendiere, 1734, TL4 S1, 4136, Juridiction royale de Montréal, Deposition of Jeanne Tailhandier dit Labaume, April 15, 1734, 15.

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