small flourish

Deposition of Thérèse de Couagne, 2nd witness, audience of 2 PM, 14 April 1734.



Appeared lady therese de Couagne aged thirty-six, widow of Sieur francois Poulin defrancheville, Loged since the Burning of the ten to eleven of this Month In the House of Sieur Moniere, Rue St Paul, [...] told us Not to be family, allied to, Servant Nor domestic to the said King's prosecutor, that previously the said King's prosecutor had espoused in a first Union a Cousin of the said deceased Sieur de francheville And that with regard to the Negress She is Her Slave.

Deposed [...] that she Knows not who set The fire in Her house; that she has no


Knowledge that the said Negress had gone up there after the morning of the said tenth Day of this Month when She went up there with Her, unless it had Been between Noon And one o'clock, while she deposing, Had gone to the parish [parish church] for the Holy Sacrament. That on the day before, the man Named Thibaut had Been to see her to Ask for His Salary while at Her service before His desertion with the Said Negress, to Whom She said, maybe imprudently, that she had sold the Said Negress; that she did not want to Keep her, Nor that he Set foot again in Her home. That the evening Same day of the fire and thefollowing day the eleventh of this said Month, the said Thibaut appearedand helped save her belongings, from the Apothecary as well as to carry in the Garden of the hospital the belongings those Salvaged from the House of She who is Deposing; that she cannot However suspect that the said Negress had Set the fire because there were none in the Chimneys of the House and having been Only the


Said Negress with Her on the said Day [...]

[signed] veve francheville [signed] P. Raimbault

[signed] C. Porlier

Source: Archives nationales du Québec, Centre de Montréal, Procedure Criminel contre Marie Joseph Angélique negresse - Incendiere, 1734, TL4 S1, 4136, Juridiction royale de Montréal, Deposition of Thérèse de Couagne, April 14, 1734, 4-6.

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