small flourish

Report of the losses incurred by François Bérey des Essars, 11 April 1734.


Report of the losses incurred in Playing-Card money in the Fire in Montreal, 11 April 1734

The year seventeen hundred thirty-four The eleventh of April at nine in the morning, We general commissary and Ordonnateur de la Marine in Montreal, In the presence of Sieur Rocbert former storekeeper, of S. Gauldron de Chevremont Audit clerk, And of S. Berey treasurer in this City, proceeded to open a small coffer, in which on the night of the Fire that occurred on The 10 of this month at seven in the evening, had been Enclosed all of the playing-card money Found in the Treasury, And having heard the oath sworn by the said Sieur de Berey to the effect that he had left the said Playing-card money untouched, and Following our verification, Two hundred Fifty cards of twenty-four Livres, two hundred Idem of twelve Livres, Four hundred twenty-eight Idem of six Livres, Two hundred two Idem of fifteen


Sols, And Three hundred and fifty Idem of seven Sols six deniers Were found, Together amounting to a sum of Eleven thousand two hundred fifty Livres fifteen sols, to which is to be Added seventy-one Livres five sols for a payment that the said S. De Berey declared to have made as per our order on the said Day of the Fire, the said two amounts Together making the sum of Eleven thousand three hundred twenty-two Livres, in the Moment short of making up the Twelve thousand Livres Forwarded from Quebec by M. De Boisclerc by six hundred Seventy-eight Livres, which was lost, burned or stolen in the rush and chaos of the move from the said house; In witness thereof we have filed the present Report to serve as discharge to the said Sieur de Berey, to whom we in the Instant


remitted the said small Coffer with the aforementioned Playing-card money to serve as payment for the troops and other expenses in the service of the king; dated in duplicate at Montreal On the Said Day and year; and signed, Berey, Michel, Rocbert And Gaudron de Chevremont.

Source: France. Archives nationales, Fonds des Colonies. Série C11A. Correspondance générale, Canada, vol. 62, fol. 127-128, Michel de Villebois, Honoré, Report of the loss of playing-card money in the fire at the home of Berey, the treasurer, April 11, 1734.

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