Mrs. David Morrice's bedroom, Montreal, QC, 1899

[ Mrs. David Morrice's bedroom, Montreal, QC, 1899 ]

Mrs. David Morrice's bedroom, Montreal, QC, 1899, Victorian bedrooms were crowded by today’s standards. Due to her deteriorating health, Ada Maria Mills Redpath was confined to her bedroom, which may have resembled this one in the house next door. For more information about this image please click here., Wm. Notman & Son, Musée McCord Museum II-128254

Source: Musée McCord Museum, II-128254, Wm. Notman & Son, Mrs. David Morrice's bedroom, Montreal, QC, 1899, April 31, 1899. Notes: Victorian bedrooms were crowded by today’s standards. Due to her deteriorating health, Ada Maria Mills Redpath was confined to her bedroom, which may have resembled this one in the house next door. For more information about this image please click here

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